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Deplorable conditions extend beyond rat-infested evidence room at NOPD facilities

Deplorable conditions extend beyond rat-infested evidence room at NOPD facilities

NEW ORLEANS (WVUE) – The Fraternal Order of Police is urging swift action from the newly appointed police chief to address the often deplorable conditions at several New Orleans Police Department facilities.

Following complaints of rats eating marijuana and narcotics in the evidence room, the head of the criminal justice committee is collaborating with Chief Anne Kirkpatrick to improve conditions.

“The rats eating our marijuana… they are all high,” she told council members in a plea for them to allocate more funds.

The iconic 8th District police station in the French Quarter, with crumbling exterior plaster and a broken elevator, is one such facility in need of repair.

“Nobody wants to go to work every day where something new is not working. It’s the elevator one day, might be the air conditioner the next day,” said Donovan Livaccari, with the Fraternal Order of Police.

NOPD headquarters also suffers from consistent elevator malfunctions, air conditioning failures, and water leaks.

“It’s even health issues, such as heavy mold in these buildings. Rodent infestation,” Kirkpatrick told the council.

See also: ‘The rats… they are all high;’ Rats are eating narcotics in NOPD’s evidence room, chief says

Police in New Orleans are dealing with what they call “deplorable” conditions inside the department building, including a rat infestation. (Source: WSMV)

The City of New Orleans is deliberating on allocating over $7 million to temporarily relocate part of the NOPD Headquarters.

“You go through the academy. You show up for your first tour duty. You have to move the desk over because there’s a leak in the ceiling,” said Livaccari.

Fox 8 political analyst Mike Sherman, an attorney who works with several developers, says it’s foolish to consider building new facilities.

“This is a city where we have a lot of vacant office space. We have a police department where we’re trying to boost morale. What a good opportunity for the new chief to try to improve the workplace for them,” Sherman said. “With a lot of public buildings declining, the city’s got to prioritize, and some of that new investment should be in some of those vacant office buildings.”

Kirkpatrick says with a fresh set of eyes, she is doing her best to keep potential recruits away from deplorable conditions, which can affect morale and the integrity of investigations.

“Officers can’t use the restroom,” she said.

“You just can’t keep riding the same old nag in the race. At some point you have to look at moving on up,” said Livaccari.

The city will propose allocating $20 million for facility upgrades in the upcoming budget cycle and will explore maintenance contract options to address ongoing issues.

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